So far Intel's 9th Gen Core on desktop only features three models aimed at the higher end of the spectrum. The launch of the lineup consisting of these three products with unlocked multiplier does not yet have any “locked” parts aimed at mainstream PCs, although we are expecting them at some point. The question is one of when they will come. As it appears, from listings of numerous companies in the supply chain, Intel is finally gearing up to expand its Coffee Lake Refresh family with new models.

The products in question are the eight-core Core i9-9900KF and Core i7-9700KF, as well as the six-core Core i5-9600KF and Core i5-9400F. These devices have been listed by retailers Data-Systems.Fi, Newegg, and distributor Synnex (see screenshots below). According to Intel’s existing nomenclature, the CPUs with model numbers ending with F, like 9400F lack integrated graphics, so we suspect the new processors will primarily target higher-end systems featuring discrete graphics. This will mark the first time that Intel has launched integrated graphics-free processors in its mainstream family at the high-end for many, many years.

The higher-end Core i9-9900KF, Core i7-9700KF, and Core i5-9600KF look set to run at the same frequencies and feature the same cache configurations as their non-F colleagues. As for the Core i5-9400F, this six-core chip runs at 2.9/4.1 GHz, well below the clocks of the i5-9600K, but will have a TDP of 65 W. All of these parts, according to the listings, will be able to be used in current 300-series motherboards.

Intel's 9th Gen Core Processors for LGA1151 v2
AnandTech Cores TDP Freq L3 DRAM
Core i9-9900K $488 8 / 16 95 W 3.6 / 5.0 16 MB 2666 GT2 1200
Core i9-9900KF* ? - -
Core i7-9700K $374 8 / 8 95 W 3.6 / 4.9 12 MB 2666 GT2 1200
Core i7-9700KF* ? - -
Core i5-9600K $262 6 / 6 95 W 3.7 / 4.6 9 MB 2666 GT2 1150
Core i5-9600KF* ? - -
Core i5-9400F ? 6 / 6 65 W 2.9 / 4.1 9 MB 2666 - -
*These CPUs has not been launched officially, specifications have not been confirmed.

Intel has not officially confirmed existence of these CPUs, or mentioned plans to release them. In the meantime, listing of the Core i5-9600KF by Newegg and the Core i5-9400F by Synnex Thailand indicates that their launch is likely imminent. Avid readers will remember that CES 2019 is taking place in early January, so the question is whether Intel starts to sell these CPUs more or less quietly ahead of CES, or if it will announce them publicly at the trade show.

In any case, if Intel proceeds with the launch (or rather when), it may broaden availability of its latest eight-core and six-core CPUs both in terms of physical availability and in terms of pricing (i.e., the i9-9900KF will hopefully cost less than the i9-9900K). In the meantime, one has to remember that Intel has high demand issues in general, so the effect of the launch is something that remains to be seen. It could be that the company will not focus on the Pentium/Celeron parts this time around, but instead make these higher-performing (and higher margin) offerings more regular.


Related Reading:

Source: Newegg, Synnex, Tom’s Hardware

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  • PeachNCream - Wednesday, January 2, 2019 - link

    200W is excessive power demand for something as trivial as killing time. The original Game Boy Advance was released in 2001 or so and ran for 15 hours on two AA batteries that contained roughly 2500 mAh so like 7.5 Watt-hours and the end state, an amused person, was the same as can be achieved with a modern desktop PC. Sure there are considerable differences in the hardware, but with the same goal ultimately reached in 2001 for less than 4% of the energy cost, it makes something that eats as much power as a desktop computer a shameful waste in both power consumption, raw material weight, manufacturing need, and cost to the end user. Using modern rechargable batteries and contemporary processor manufacturing technologies would likely permit a backlit screen and a significant increase in processing power within the GBA's power envelope. Yet here we sit trying to justify products like AMD's Vega, Nvidia's RTX series and the 95W rated TDP of an Intel CPU. It's a disappointment to say the least.
  • us - Monday, December 31, 2018 - link

    have you seen what excel does these days as far as cpu usage? it's a cpu hog now.
  • nunya112 - Saturday, December 29, 2018 - link

    haha imagine if they had KLF do 3am in an advert for it... KLF IS GANA ROCK YALLL. AHUH AHUH
  • dromoxen - Sunday, December 30, 2018 - link

  • iranterres - Monday, December 31, 2018 - link

    Woah Intel's CPU line up is a mess at the moment. wtf.
  • Lolimaster - Tuesday, January 1, 2019 - link

    Panic mode, lets get more mhz at "95w tdp" to compete vs Zen2.
  • jcc5169 - Wednesday, January 2, 2019 - link

    Blah Blah Blah Intel still churning out the same old crap
  • fouram33 - Wednesday, January 2, 2019 - link

    Ok, simple question: do we need GPU to boot into desktop or when doing fresh install of Windows?
  • jtd871 - Friday, January 4, 2019 - link

    You would need either a discrete GPU or integrated GPU to do a typical Windows install. (Not completely sure, but one could probably figure a way to do an install without a monitor if you are a sysadmin and doing bulk deployment or imaging, but I'm talking about typical home users on single PCs.)

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