AMD Ryzen 4000 Mobile APUs
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  • SolarBear28 - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    No mention from what I've seen. Perhaps when AMD are done producing the 4800HS 35W exclusive part for Asus they will turn those bins into a 45W 4900H? I have no idea.
  • zamroni - Monday, January 6, 2020 - link

    it's time for Intel to spin off it's fab just like amd did for global foundry.
    AMD indeed waited to long that it's fab became Achilles's heel for years
  • Jugotta Bichokink - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    Intel needs everything under their dress - or they'll no longer be relevant.

    If they spun off their fabs they'd be replaced in under a decade.
  • id4andrei - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    AMD is using fabs that have benefited from insane amounts of money from the mobile boom. Going forward those fabs will still receive orders from those same sources. Intel's own demands do not generate enough profit for it to invest in its fabs as much as TSMC/Samsung can.
  • dishayu - Monday, January 6, 2020 - link

    Using 4000 series for what is still Zen2 architecture rubs me the wrong way... if it was at least Zen 2+ or something, if not Zen 3.
  • nandnandnand - Monday, January 6, 2020 - link

    That's the way they handled the Zen and Zen+ mobile chips. It's time to retire this complaint already.
  • SolarBear28 - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    It`s a valid complaint. Those less informed could incorrectly assume that Ryzen 3000 mobile APU`s have Zen 2 because that`s what the Ryzen 3000 desktop parts have.
  • The Hardcard - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    it is not really a valid complaint. The numbering system just tells people that they are getting the newest chips for any particular year. Everyone who cares about cores and the difference between Zen, Zen 2, Zen 3, etc. knows that the newest APUS come after Desktop and server and thus every year have an earlier core.

    If you care you know. If you don’t know you don’t care.
  • Fataliity - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    Yeah it's stupid. It's done by marketings because the 4000 series will be sold during the APU's lifetime, so it doesn't look outdated from a naming perspective.

    But i agree, wtf
  • LogitechFan - Monday, January 6, 2020 - link

    Can we just ban Cooe, please? I mean, AMD fambois are idiots, but he gives a bad name even to them...

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