AMD Ryzen 4000 Mobile APUs
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  • Cooe - Monday, January 6, 2020 - link

    Lol, are you allergic to facts & reason or something? But way to attack my points with facts & data there!... Not...

    The cognitive dissonance required to continue believing that Intel is dominating mobile CPU's after today is kind of awe-inspiring. And you'd do well to realize that the vast majority of readers/commenters agree with me. It's literally you & just two others that are living in deep, DEEP denial by believing that AMD completely lied out their ass about the chip's performance. Find me a SINGLE post Ryzen, AMD provided benchmark graph that was totally outright fraudulent, & then maybe you might have some extremely shaky ground to stand on.

    Otherwise "taking things w/ a grain of salt" ≠ "assume all provided benchmarks are total bullshit, despite years of historical precedence".

    This isn't the company that conveniently forgot to tell people about a hidden 5HP chiller during a recent live performance demo, or arbitrarily deciding what does & doesn't count as "real world performance", remember?
  • The_Assimilator - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    If you're willing to believe AMD's pre-baked marketing slides out of hand, you're just as gullible as those willing to believe Intel's slides. Regardless of AMD's massive progress in the CPU space, mobile has remained their Achilles' heel and until they show us the pudding, there's no proof.

    And Cinebench and anything from 3DMark is synthetic trash that has zero bearing on the real world and is only used by overclockers and e-peen-wavers.
  • Xyler94 - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    Stop sounding like Intel if you are trying to say "stop believing AMD's slides".

    Maxon Cinema 4D is an actual piece of software for rendering. Cinebench R20 is based off of Maxon's software, and gives a fair, repeatable show of rendering performance. While I think they should use Blender more, it's also unfair to claim "it's trash data".

    Also, fun fact: Before Zen continuously beat Intel in it, Intel had 0 issues with showing how well their CPUs performed using Cinebench. Intel had no problem using benchmarks to give performance data, but suddenly, when AMD's winning more and more benchmarks... Intel is concerned over "real world"?

    Would you rather Intel sponsored reviews and benchmarks be used? How is that any better? A lot of Intel's latest benchmarks on their slides have been using benchmarks they sponsored or helped created... doesn't that rub the wrong way?

    And also, I find it funny they recommended benchmarking MS Word.
  • Spunjji - Tuesday, January 7, 2020 - link

    Who's talking about them out-of-hand? He specifically pointed out that taking them to be unreliable isn't the same as disregarding them entirely, as LogitechFan and co are. He also asked if anyone had any post-Ryzen charts from AMD that misrepresented their products - as far as I'm aware no such thing exists.

    Mobile has indeed remained their achilles heel, but they've already made tremendous progress in that space. More has been needed, and I agree that their relative silence on power efficiency isn't encouraging.

    Cinebench and 3DMark are useful for apples-to-apples comparisons. You're right that they don't represent most workloads well, but no single benchmark does. What they do do is allow you to compare generational improvements. This is basic stuff that's repeated at the start of pretty much every technical review, so it's a bit weird that you're pushing the "synthetic trash" angle here - especially as CineBench isn't synthetic at all.

    I feel like this comment section would be markedly improved if people just stopped taking the precise opposite side in every discussion to someone they think is a "fanboy".
  • Spunjji - Wednesday, January 8, 2020 - link

    This post seems as good a reason as any to request a ban on LogitechFan. The shill clearly feels outmatched and should be retired.
  • Hul8 - Wednesday, January 8, 2020 - link

    If all the fanboys were removed, this place would be mostly deserted.

    Not only do they post a lot, and repeat what they've said multiple times per discussion, and in comment sections of multiple articles, they also incite other fanboys (and reasonable people) to respond and argue with them... :-)
  • Hul8 - Wednesday, January 8, 2020 - link

    It's almost like they're the tech media equivalent of Russian troll factories... Hmmm...
  • Spunjji - Thursday, January 9, 2020 - link

    To think that political discourse is now influenced by the same forces that brought us the raging flame wars over the Red Ring of Death and Bumpgate... D:
  • vladx - Thursday, January 9, 2020 - link

    Yep he's an iAMD tard, but censorship is not a solution. His idiocy will make every person with half a brain ignore his nonsense anyways
  • Spunjji - Thursday, January 9, 2020 - link

    Relying on ableist slurs to make your point is often a good sign that you're overestimating your own intelligence. Agreeing with an obvious troll tends to seal that deal.

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