DDR2 533 (1:1) Performance

The DDR2-533 memory speed is important with a 1066 FSB CPU because it represents 1:1 memory performance. On Intel platforms the memory controller is still a part of the chipset and not on-processor as it is on the AM2. As a result you would generally expect the fastest relative memory performance possible on an Intel board by running the memory at a 1:1 ratio.

DDR2-533 (3.47 GHz) Calculation Performance

DDR2-533 (3.47 GHz) Standard (Buffered) Memory Test

DDR2-533 (3.47 GHz) Unbuffered Memory Test

DDR2-533 (3.47 GHz) - Far Cry

DDR2-533 (3.47 GHz) - Half-Life 2

DDR2-533 (3.47 GHz) - Quake 4

The OCZ EL PC2-8000 is able to run the important 1:1 memory ratio at the fastest settings possible on the Asus board. The ability to run 3-2-2 timings at this speed is reflected in chart-topping DDR2-533 performance. The Crucial and Buffalo DDR2-1000 are nearly as fast at 3-2-3 timings at DDR2-533.

DDR2 400 (4:3) Performance DDR2 667 (4:5) Performance
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  • Wesley Fink - Saturday, July 8, 2006 - link

    That is DDR2-533 is DDR2-533 on BOTH Intel and AMD.
  • rallyhard - Friday, July 7, 2006 - link

    Wow, that's some nice memory!
    Kinda makes me feel a little less rediculously proud of the Mushkin XP2 PC2-5300 2gb sticks that I'll possess tomorrow.

    Oh well, at least I paid less than half the price of either of these!

    And to the above poster: Get a life!
  • TheGlassman - Friday, July 7, 2006 - link

    And since they were not tested on AM2, no point for me to consider any of them.
  • ShoNuff - Friday, July 7, 2006 - link

    First in!!! I've allways wanted to do that...reading now.

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