C3 Construction Continued

Unfortunately the C3 case has several problems as well.  Our largest problem with the case resided in the fact that the power supply mounting holes were upside down.  Our provider of the C3 informed us that this problem has been corrected in future revisions of the case.  Case-Mod.com does not carry any of the old revisioned cases, but if you plan on getting this case from somewhere else, we strongly encourage you to call or verify which revision of the case you are getting.

We should not have to emphasize too much as to why having an upside down power supply can be hazardous to your machine.  Below you can see a picture of a side mounted fan pointing upward venting into the side of the case.  We have a benchmark near the end of this review with the results of what might happen if the acrylic panels on all of these cases get too hot.

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No power supply


Drive bays x 9

  • 4 x 5.25” External Drive Bay

  • 5 x 5.25” Internal Drive Bays (adjustable)


92x92x25mm, 1 x Rear Exhaust fan


82x82x25mm, 1 x Top Exhaust fan


120x120x25mm, 1 x Front Intake fan


Forward USB inputs


Removable motherboard tray

C3 Construction C3 Features
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