Global WIN CAK38

A Global WIN heatsink made entirely of copper - that is a big surprise. Before, GW had only been manufacturing aluminum coolers and didn't even use copper inlays.


The CAK38's performance is good; it performs very close to the Kanie Hedgehog (the copper heatsink that performed the best in our last Socket cooler roundup). However, it is outperformed by the new Thermosonic ThermoEngine and the Alpha PEP66T - if these coolers are used with the same noisy 7000rpm fan. And of course the Swiftech MC462 - which pretty much is a class of its own - also outperforms the CAK38.

Global WIN has a tradition of offering high-performance coolers at very reasonable prices. The CAK38's price is still unknown - let's hope GW follows their tradition.


As all current Global WIN coolers, the CAK38's clip provides a very high pressure, and therefore is a little hard to install. We recommend to push down the clip with a screwdriver; this will make things easier.

Motherboard compatibility is very good; the CAK38 should fit all current motherboards.

Copper is heavy - and so is the CAK38. Keep this in mind when moving around your PC.

Global WIN CAK38
Fan: Delta "black label" 60x60x25
Fan rpm (measured): 6898
Price: not yet known
  • Good cooling performance
  • Heatsink is entirely made of copper
  • Very loud
Thermosonic "Thermoengine" Global WIN WBK38
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