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  • brutedawg - Friday, July 17, 2020 - link

    Nvidia: 'the green giant'
    AMD: 'the other end of the spectrum'

    Time to kick off this next-gen card war off right!
  • PeachNCream - Friday, July 17, 2020 - link

    You're forgetting the number one GPU manufacturer on the planet.
  • Duncan Macdonald - Saturday, July 18, 2020 - link

    You mean ARM !!! Given the number of smartphones and tablets, there are more ARM graphics controllers (integrated into the SOC's) than all PC graphics put together (Intel, AMD, Nvidia etc).
  • close - Saturday, July 18, 2020 - link

    Are we counting Apple and Qualcomm too? Apple alone sold over 2 billion of their GPUs between iPhone and iPad (should we count the watch to have an Intel equivalent? :D) over the past decade. Qualcomm even more. Not quite sure how many iGPUs Intel actually sells, and how many are never used but are crammed in the CPU giving you no choice. Like Microsoft being the biggest game maker in the world if you count Minesweeper and Solitaire. Or Nokia with Snake? Who knows...
  • PeachNCream - Monday, July 20, 2020 - link

    I would actually agree that Microsoft is likely the world's largest game publisher. It seems hyper elitist and exclusionary to argue that just because a computer game isn't the sort that a certain segment of the population plays means that is should not be considered a computer game. I would also argue that iGPUs are not as widely ignored by the addition of dGPUs as you are attempting to imply. Virtually every work-a-day office PC (millions sold each year) and the vast majority of off the shelf laptops and desktop PCs sold to consumers end up relying on whatever graphics processor comes bundled with the CPU package. And yes, we can count Apple or Qualcomm or anyone else that makes a graphics processor. I didn't specify parameters on who was number one, only that number one was left off the list. I'm not surprised in the least it triggered PC Gamer Boiz to rush about like little ants building tiny imaginary walls that defend their falsely erected sense of self-righteous uniqueness.
  • Alistair - Friday, July 17, 2020 - link

    Ah darn no Horizon bundle for AMD in North America?
  • mrvco - Saturday, July 18, 2020 - link

    What a great time to buy a video card.... r i g h t ?
  • Beaver M. - Thursday, July 23, 2020 - link

    Need new gens now!
    20 series was always a joke, and AMD also needs to put up more of a fight so that Nvidia doesnt pull another Turding.
  • OrianaTryphena - Monday, November 22, 2021 - link

    There are many options, the best option is to choose mod games.

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