NVIDIA Montreal Event - Live Blog
by Anand Lal Shimpi on October 18, 2013 9:49 AM EST
11:41AM EDT - And we're done! Thanks for following!
11:39AM EDT - G-Sync will be available in Q1-2014
11:35AM EDT - Wrapping up now
11:34AM EDT - "the best GPU that's ever been built"
11:34AM EDT - Performance is "outstanding", power is "low"
11:33AM EDT - On shelves in mid-November
11:33AM EDT - New high-end GPU, reviewers getting this soon
11:33AM EDT - NVIDIA GTX 780 Ti
11:33AM EDT - "Today we're announcing our new baby here"
11:32AM EDT - "You can't really do an NVIDIA press conference without graphics cards"
11:31AM EDT - I was told no multi-million dollar checks were exchanged to make this happen
11:30AM EDT - These three guys flew in just to give their thoughts about g-sync
11:30AM EDT - We're skipping lunch
11:30AM EDT - Then we'll do a Q&A with the superstars
11:30AM EDT - One more announcement to make apparently
11:29AM EDT - "once we start going above 90, 95, 100 fps, there are additional benefits that we're not even talking about here"
11:29AM EDT - "going above 60 fps brings in additional benefits"
11:28AM EDT - "almost every single game can benefit from this"
11:27AM EDT - Now Carmack is talking
11:26AM EDT - "With this we don't really need to do things in the same way, probably don't want to jump too much in frame rate though"
11:26AM EDT - "We design games for a specific budget, games now are these massive experiences of different types of environments (cut scenes, star fields, massive #s of explosions) - impossible to design a game for a fixed frame rate today - have to make massive compromises"
11:25AM EDT - "I was actually surprised at how my mind interpreted it"
11:25AM EDT - "you see a continuous stream of what your mind interprets as a moving picture"
11:25AM EDT - Johan on G-Sync "it's pretty incredible"
11:24AM EDT - "With g-sync you have a lot more wiggle room in terms of frame rate"
11:24AM EDT - "It frees up the game developers to make a much more immersive experience"
11:24AM EDT - Tim Sweeney on Gsync - "it's like using an iPhone for the first time"
11:21AM EDT - John, Johan and Tim
11:21AM EDT - Yep here we go
11:20AM EDT - These folks happen to be some of the most important contributors to modern computer graphics
11:19AM EDT - Johan, Sweeney and Carmack is my guess
11:19AM EDT - NVIDIA invited three game developers to come and talk about their thoughts on G-Sync
11:18AM EDT - It's seriously a huge difference
11:18AM EDT - The one on the right had gsync on, and they ran the same content to demonstrate the differences between traditional gaming PC monitors and g-sync displays
11:17AM EDT - I'm going to write up all of this in greater detail, but they had two identical systems/displays setup side by side
11:15AM EDT - The difference is pretty dramatic, seriously it has a tremendous impact on game smoothness
11:15AM EDT - Wow that was pretty awesome
10:53AM EDT - Brb clustering by demo stations
10:52AM EDT - We're about to go see a demo of this
10:52AM EDT - In normal mode, G-Sync monitors have to behave normally, in 3D mode they will flip into G-Sync mode
10:51AM EDT - "The wow is going to come in just a moment when we show you G-Sync in operation"
10:51AM EDT - No stutter, no tearing, less lag
10:51AM EDT - Even if you're getting more than 144fps, your lag will still be much lower since we're talking about higher refresh rates
10:50AM EDT - Now the refresh rate in the examples we'll show you is 144Hz
10:50AM EDT - We'll drive the screen as fast as it can be driven
10:50AM EDT - If we have frame rates that are incredibly high, we wait until the max refresh rate for the update (still variable)
10:50AM EDT - That art has been captured into our G-Sync module
10:49AM EDT - Over the years our engineers have figured out how to not only transfer the control to the GPU/software, but also to drive the monitors such that the color continues to be vibrant and beautiful without decay, that gamma is correct
10:49AM EDT - These liquid crystals don't like being driven with sporadic timing
10:49AM EDT - And at the molecular level
10:49AM EDT - LCD displays are complicated things at the electronic level
10:48AM EDT - The logic is so fundamentally simple, implementation is incredibly complicated
10:48AM EDT - As soon as the frame is done drawing, we should update the monitor as soon as we can
10:48AM EDT - We shouldn't update the monitor until the frame is done drawing
10:48AM EDT - Instead of the monitor driving the timing (every 60Hz there's a scan), we transfer the timing to the GPU
10:47AM EDT - ASUS, BenQ, Philips, ViewSonic have already signed up
10:47AM EDT - G-Sync Module will be integrated into the top gaming monitors around the world
10:47AM EDT - Results can't be projected onto the screen since the projector doesn't have G-Sync
10:46AM EDT - G-Sync module goes into a gaming monitor, replaces the video scaler
10:46AM EDT - End to end architecture that starts with Kepler GPU, ends with a brand new technology - G-Sync Module
10:46AM EDT - NVIDIA G-Sync
10:46AM EDT - "One of my proudest contributions as a company to computer graphics"
10:45AM EDT - Announcement imminent
10:45AM EDT - They went off to study the problem and came back with a solution
10:45AM EDT - With a fantastic team of engineers, we went off on the side to solve this problem
10:45AM EDT - You simply have to take a step back and ask yourself, where are these artifacts coming from, why do they happen and how do I eliminate the bane of our existence
10:44AM EDT - "New GPU, new monitor technology and software that integrates the two"
10:44AM EDT - "I've described the fundamental problem, so the fundamental solution will be a part of that"
10:44AM EDT - Sounds like we're heading towards NVIDIA doing some sort of a new display tech
10:44AM EDT - Reiterating that the GPU and monitor are autonomous, creating this problem of stutter/lag/tearing
10:43AM EDT - This seems to be how NVIDIA does its major announcements, fully expecting things to get crazy very soon
10:43AM EDT - I will say that I like Jen-Hsun presenting, but we're ~50 minutes in with nothing substantially new now
10:41AM EDT - Artifact called tearing
10:41AM EDT - By not waiting for vsync, the monitor could be in the middle of a frame update, as a result you'll end up scanning part of the last frame and part of the new frame
10:41AM EDT - Turning off vsync lets us update the moment the frame buffer is complete
10:40AM EDT - We want games to play well but also have higher production quality
10:40AM EDT - That's unlikely/undesirable, because we want content to get better, not just higher frame rate
10:39AM EDT - The only option is to make sure you're rendering at some insane frame rate so the minimum frame rate stays above 60Hz
10:39AM EDT - Something you can't avoid
10:39AM EDT - Stutter and lag are two fundamental experiences of having vsync on, independent of GPU, monitor or PC
10:39AM EDT - You can improve this scenario with triple buffering, but you just have another buffer to deal with - still deal with the same fundamental issue of draw rate vs. refresh rate imbalance
10:38AM EDT - Similar in nature to the stutter effect you get from playing a 24 fps source on a 60Hz TV, you get doubling of frames
10:38AM EDT - Difference where scan rate of the monitor is different from the frame rate of the GPU
10:37AM EDT - Because you can't flip to the other buffer until you're done drawing, and once you're done drawing you have to wait until the next vertical sync, there are times when you effectively scan the same frame to the monitor twice
10:37AM EDT - Not only does it have to complete its own frame but it has to wait for vertical sync
10:37AM EDT - GPU has to wait until the monitor is done scanning all of its vertical lines from the last buffer before it flips
10:36AM EDT - Vsync on looks like this
10:36AM EDT - Example: BF3 frame rate varies between 60 fps all the way down to upper 30s
10:36AM EDT - Multiplayer games, big explosions, etc... can cause big variances in frame rates
10:36AM EDT - Game frame rates are instead, highly variable
10:35AM EDT - That's the way it was architected, how it was intended and what comp graphics was hoped to be
10:35AM EDT - Or you could have so much performance that every single frame is faster than scan rate, as a result you have perfectly smooth 60Hz
10:35AM EDT - Games could decide to just stop drawing, that's one technique
10:35AM EDT - This is your flight simulation experience, this is your game console experience for driving games, because they can control how much they draw
10:34AM EDT - In a perfect world we're drawing faster than we're scanning out, always ready for scanning out, as a result every single 16 ms we see a new frame
10:34AM EDT - In this example we're drawing faster than the refresh rate (60Hz), every 16ms we complete the scanning of one frame, flip the buffer, the other buffer is now completed drawing, we scan out of that while we draw into the other
10:34AM EDT - When that scan is complete it flips, scans out of the other buffer - double buffering
10:33AM EDT - When the scan is complete, it flips, scans out of the other (completed) frame buffer
10:33AM EDT - In a perfect world, the way computer graphics was intended to work, the GPU would render into one buffer while the monitor is scanning out of another
10:33AM EDT - if you try to overcome it, you will see tearing
10:33AM EDT - and lag
10:33AM EDT - Because the sample rate is different from the source rate, you have no choice but to experience stutter
10:33AM EDT - Monitor is sampling what's being drawn
10:32AM EDT - GPU renders to frame buffer, monitor scans out from another autonomous frame buffer
10:32AM EDT - The problem is fundamental in the sense that your monitor and GPU rendering update independently of one another
10:32AM EDT - "More brain cells have been dedicated to the elimination of these three PC gaming conditions than just about any other"
10:32AM EDT - Applause for these problems
10:31AM EDT - "These things stutter, lag, tearing - has been the bane of our existence for as long as we remember"
10:31AM EDT - "You're asking yourself, but he did say that this is fundamental to modern computer graphics"
10:31AM EDT - "It doesn't kill you, but nothing would bring you more joy than if these three conditions were to disappear"
10:31AM EDT - "You can survive it, but you like it to go away"
10:31AM EDT - "probably acne"
10:30AM EDT - "Stutter, lag and tearing - that is as frustrating, as undesirable for a PC gamer as foot fungus"
10:30AM EDT - This is the bane of existence of PC gamers
10:30AM EDT - "All of the work that we do to optimize for frame rate and experience, in the final analysis the gamer and their experience comes down to stutter, lag and tearing"
10:29AM EDT - Now talking about 4K Surround support, challenges of synchronization/latency when doing SLI to drive these insane surround setups
10:28AM EDT - Sorry for the delay there, NVIDIA killed the WiFi in order to test Twitch streaming
10:28AM EDT - Now talking about 4K
10:27AM EDT - Demonstrating Twitch streaming via GFE/ShadowPlay
10:24AM EDT - Jen-Hsun is getting very friendly on stage
10:23AM EDT - One click broadcast using ShadowPlay directly to Twitch
10:22AM EDT - GFE Streams directly to twitch
10:22AM EDT - Available in beta on October 28th as well
10:22AM EDT - Shadowplay was originally delayed because it used to generate M2TS files but there was a desire to shift over to MP4 instead for broader playback
10:21AM EDT - Recap: Shadowplay uses Kepler's video encode engine to capture and save the last 20 minutes of PC gameplay
10:20AM EDT - http://www.anandtech.com/show/6973/nvidia-geforce-gtx-780-review/5
10:20AM EDT - NVIDIA has already announced Shadowplay, so this is a re-announcement I guess
10:20AM EDT - Second announcement: NVIDIA Shadowplay
10:19AM EDT - Launches on October 28th, same time when Shield's game console mode goes live via OTA update
10:19AM EDT - These bundles are pretty cool
10:19AM EDT - If you buy a GTX 660 or 760 you get Splinter Cell + Assassins Creed and $50 off of Shield
10:18AM EDT - If you have a GTX 770, 780 or Titan, you get Batman, Splinter Cell, Assassins Creed Black Flag and $100 off Shield
10:18AM EDT - Announcing Holiday Bundle
10:17AM EDT - Ok Gamestream PC to Shield demo is done, back to the presentation
10:15AM EDT - Showing off Batman Arkham Origins
10:14AM EDT - This seems like an overly complex solution to this problem
10:14AM EDT - GeForce PC renders, Shield streams, external BT controller controls
10:13AM EDT - Using a wireless Bluetooth controller to control all of this
10:12AM EDT - Close the lid on Shield, puts it in "game console mode", transmits controls to your PC, receives the compressed video stream from your PC
10:11AM EDT - Demo time, they're about to demonstrate streaming PC games to Shield - we've seen this before, nothing new yet
10:10AM EDT - Now talking about Gamestreaming PC games to Shield
10:09AM EDT - All of those examples use Gamestream
10:09AM EDT - Gamestream has already been demonstrated, parts of it at least, in streaming from Grid to Shield, streaming from GeForce to Shield
10:08AM EDT - Created a fundamental new technology for remote graphics, remotely processed, compressed and streamed back quickly
10:08AM EDT - Natively on a device, streaming to another device, streaming from the cloud...
10:08AM EDT - "You should be able to enjoy video games the way you enjoy digital video today"
10:07AM EDT - First one is called Gamestream
10:07AM EDT - These are all examples of game technologies NV has created over the years - "today I've got some really really special new game technologies to reveal to you"
10:06AM EDT - GFE downloads optimal playable settings, based on system specs and other data points in the cloud
10:06AM EDT - "We've collected a massive database of the best way to play your games and store it in the cloud"
10:05AM EDT - Recapping what GFE does.
10:04AM EDT - Now talking about GeForce Experience, another game tech innovation from NV
10:04AM EDT - "Because of 3D vision we have a much deeper understanding of monitor technology and your visual systems"
10:03AM EDT - Next example of NV's investment in game tech: 3D Vision
10:03AM EDT - Calling SLI a "time machine" to see what PCs would perform like in the future
10:03AM EDT - If you wanted to develop for a PC system 2 - 3 years out, using SLI can get you there
10:03AM EDT - Talking about SLI as one of the first examples of NVIDIA's investment in game tech
10:02AM EDT - Third pillar is game tech, actual technology incorporated into PCs
10:02AM EDT - "We want to make that fundamental contribution to real time games"
10:02AM EDT - "In game works our vision is to be to games what ILM is to movies"
10:02AM EDT - "Today I want to talk about the third pillar of our strategy"
10:01AM EDT - (Side note, I'm still testing video playback battery life on the ASUS T100 during the press conference)
10:01AM EDT - All of this is a part of Game Works
10:00AM EDT - Flame Works - world's first, real time volumetric fire and smoke rendering system. Simulated, different every time, interacts with physical scene objects, casts shadows
10:00AM EDT - GI Works is a scalable global illumination system that game devs can use instead of attempting to simulate global lighting through tons of local light sources
09:59AM EDT - Talking about NV's Global Illumination lighting system
09:59AM EDT - NVIDIA's Game Works is the second pillar, a bunch of tools/modules to help game developers implement physics and other effects into their games
09:58AM EDT - Jen-Hsun is talking about NVIDIA's gaming strategy, the first pillar is the computing platform (NV wants to span Android, PC, Cloud)
09:57AM EDT - Jen-Hsun took the stage earlier than expect, we're on!
View All Comments
liahos1 - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
Anand you are a true multitasker.noeldillabough - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
I *just* bought a GTX 780, bummer lol.Guspaz - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
Man, Anand is here in Montreal, and I'm stuck in work and unable to get an autograph :Plm1988 - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
只买过GT210的颜面撸过tipoo - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
Aww, I wanted them to call it N-Sync.And seriously, this guy took like 20 minutes to keep repeating what the problem is before getting to the solution.
nathanddrews - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
GSync... I've always wondered why GPUs and monitors can't talk to one another in better ways - maybe use a webcam to sync settings or something. While I do not like the thought of more proprietary hardware/protocols, I DO love the net result.PLEASE let this start a new wave of HFR glory!
nathanddrews - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
AT, I assume that when talking about "3D" and GSync, it means whenever there's a 3D game being played and not stereoscopic 3D, correct? I imagine it works with both modes, but I would like clarification...OK, so now my FW900 needs to last long enough to see one of these in action...
RealiBrad - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
I like the Idea, but fear the premium.AP27 - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
Since they seem to be working with 3D mode for G-Sync, maybe they can implement the Lightboost effect as well. Their focus seems to be on 120/144Hz monitors as it is.B3an - Friday, October 18, 2013 - link
Too much proprietary crap.... it's getting out of hand. I like the sound of G-sync a lot but we have AMD's Mantle, Nvidia's PhysX and now G-sync. All proprietary.Microsoft should do something to sort out this mess. Create something like G-sync and make it a DirectX 11.3 feature or something, while also trying to lower the DX overhead to make any performance advantage Mantle has insignificant. Everyone would benefit.