Even though IFA has passed, one interesting element I still want to highlight is this little gadget that caught my eye. A company called Hyper Juice, which specialises in battery packs and other things, was showing off their latest un-named project: a super large but still carry-on-luggage-allowed battery capable of recharging a MacBook twice.

This unit boasts some impressive specifications. To combat the carry-on flight limit of 100 Wh, this unit fits in at 99.16 watt-hours / 27000 mAh of capacity, and can peak at 130 Watts of power delivery between its three connectors. It offers a Type-C port that can do up to 100W, a second Type-C good for 60W, and a Type-A that supports Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 at up to 18W. The unit is charged through the 100W Type-C port, and the rep on hand expected a 100W wall charger to be supplied with the unit.

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The design is meant to emulate the products from a famous fruit company (no, not Blackberry) and this is exactly what I was told about the market: they are explicitly going after professional MacBook users. Hyper Juice states the unit is good for two full charges for the standard MacBook and just over a full charge on a MacBook Pro 15.6-inch.

The company doesn’t have a name for its halo product, partly because it has never named any of its previous products. I suggested something like this needs a good name to go into the market. I was told that it will be sold for around 399 Euro, and be available in November in at least Germany; though it should eventually be available worldwide as well.

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  • kludj - Thursday, September 13, 2018 - link

    Huh. Yeah, I guess it does look a bit like a small, upside-down Oric-1.
  • bleomycin - Thursday, September 13, 2018 - link

    I'm a little confused by this product. Is the main feature the maximum wattage it's able to output? The capacity seems pretty standard, theres 96Wh+ packs from anker and others for far less money.
  • alexiamor - Thursday, September 13, 2018 - link

    Other products (that I found so far) support up to 65W in/out, whereas this goes up to 100W in/out. I agree it's overpriced, since others go around $150. But this product is not for everyone, most (Type-C charging) laptops only need 65W.
  • Samus - Thursday, September 13, 2018 - link

    You could make a custom (and slightly larger due to the non-proprietary nature of it) 18650-based battery pack with twelve $4 LiFe cells, a voltage regulator, and a USB-C bridge, totaling $50.

    That said, the BOM for this thing is <$50 at scale, even accounting for the custom nature of their flat pack.

    So why is it marked up EIGHT TIMES for profit?
  • Samus - Thursday, September 13, 2018 - link

    I actually take that back. Upon research, they are actually using 18650 cells. There is nothing custom about this. Except the price.
  • beginner99 - Friday, September 14, 2018 - link

    Because Apple users are dumb enough to pay that.
  • Santoval - Saturday, September 15, 2018 - link

    "So why is it marked up EIGHT TIMES for profit?"
    Since it is targeted at Apple users, this company believes it will still sell, even at that price. I bet it will, but maybe not at a large scale.
  • lazarpandar - Thursday, September 13, 2018 - link

    What does your comment have to do with kludj's specifically? Or did you reply to the first comment in an attempt to get yours more views?
  • Samus - Friday, September 14, 2018 - link

    What, exactly, does your comment add to the conversation? I didn't need to use his thread to "boost" my comment, there is only one page of comments!
  • lazarpandar - Friday, September 14, 2018 - link

    I was talking to Bleomycin lol, yours was on topic.

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