Who cares about TLP in the consumer space? Nothign can take advantage of it, HT showed that. I think whoever comes out with the best individual core next will do some sweet buisiness...
Itanium had a window where it could've shown, Intel missed it by a mile. Well, on the bright side, they killed HP's Unix Server business at the same time. I remember when HP announced they were stopping r&d on new PA-RISC processors and were switching to Itanium.
the story of how intel killed it for a processor that was about a a decade and a half, if not more, ahead of its time? and mostly because it wasn't invented at intel, but rather was bought as part of the dec compaq hp debacle (ooo, inept management again!). that was about the most promising processor on the planet for a while, but now its buried.
Interesting read, especially after having just talked with two engineers from the Itanium team (they were from the HP side) at Fort Collins. *Keeping fingers crossed for career prospects there* :D
"The Itanium is also wider than the competition, which results in bigger benefits from threading techniques."
I don't buy that. Current Montecito's implementation of TLP only uses "Switch-on-Event Multithreading" which is a another name for Course Grain MT. At any specific time there is only one thread being executed per Montecito core. How can then a wider cpu benefit more than a more narrow cpu? You cannot use the unused execution units with instruction from another thread. So, where is the advantage of having more execution units available?
The multithreading approach in Montecito helps hiding latencies but not doing more in parallel. You can't execute two instructions from different threads at the same time! The P4 can do so, although its capabilities in parallel instruction execution is limited by its rather narrow design.
Of course, we are talking about one specific EPIC implementation. Nobody can't guarantee that with the next EPIC microarchitecture there will be an SMT in favor of a SoE-MT implementation. In this case the above statement would be correct, although I doubt that we will ever see an SMT implementation for Itanium. The static instruction issue used in Itanium does not fit very well with the rather dynamic issuing introduced with SMT.
SoEMT hides memory latency, which is in a way taking advantage of increased ILP Itanium has since memory latency may limit the benefit.
Also, it seems the performance among various apps vary as MUCH as opinions about the chip vary :). Some people really like it, while some hate it.
About the performance, I can't find the link. There was an IDF presentation on PC World(found by google) and showed relative Montecito performance. It was around 20% faster per clock in integer, but they were very ambiguous about it. Citing MT, higher frequency, more cache, and dual cores. But for all that, 20% is so little. There was another IDF presentation about Foxton Technology, and showed Montecito benchmarks on TPC-C, which from numbers was almost 25% faster at same clock, half the sockets(same number of cores) and same platform.
Intel and HP usually introduce better compilers at the same time, so I think its reasonable to expect 20-25% per clock. One other significant improvement on Montecito will be that it will have another shift unit, making the total two, along with others like more instructions and some little improvements here and there.
Montecito has x86 compatibility unit taken out, using the software based IA32-EL.
--[HP and Intel have stated that the Itanium 2 core, including the L2-cache, has about 40 million transistors. If we subtract the L2 cache, we end up with about 26 transistors,]--
http://www.pasemi.com/">http://www.pasemi.com/ These are PowerPC chips, but not from IBM. From the website: "dual-core device, operates at 2GHz with typical power dissipation in the range of 5 to 13 watts". According to articles SPECint is >1000 per core and SPECfp >2000 per core.
I'm guessing they'll write an article on it when it actually exists... it's at least two years out still before they expect to have *real* silicon for it and a lot can change between now and then.
Hmmm, their press release says Q3 '06. I know that dates can and do slip, but I doubt they will slip a year.
Besides, most of the Itanic stuff that was talked about in the article isn't shipping and probably never will. How late is the "next" version - 2+ years? - with no real expected ship date in the forseeable future. It would be nice to see an article about the architecture of the chips, decisions made and trade offs for the power efficiency that they are driving toward. Also, this was started a few years ago, what lead them down the power efficiency path before some of the major companies (notably intel) even realized it was an issue.
From the press release:
"It will sample in the third calendar quarter of 2006, with single-core and quad-core versions due in early and late 2007, respectively, and an eight-core version planned for 2008."
Sampling doesn't mean general avialability... not even close. The closest thing they have to availability is "early and late 2007" for availability of single- and quad-core versions.
I've been telling people for years the Itanium architecture is the future (not the chip). In 20 years there will be no OOE chips on the market, everything will be similar to EPIC. AMD will be there too.
I don't see any need for EPIC or VLIW. The Itanium is basically using a 41 bit instruction word. The allocation of bits is only slightly different from the allocation used in a 32 bit RISC instruction. Indeed, point a 128-bit memory channel at a stream of 32 bit instructions and you'll get higher instruction dispatch rates and greater code density. EPIC is philosophically the same as hyperthreading - running multiple instruction streams in parallel in a single CPU core. But that just makes CPU designs unnecessarily complex. With the trend to multi-core CPUs, you get parallelism by using separate cores. Let each core crunch on a single instruction stream at a time, and all of that extra baggage is unnecessary. What is the point of having 11 execution units in a single core if you can only feed it 3 instructions per cycle? An efficient design would keep the number of execution units matched to the number of instructions available, any more is just wasted.
Personally I would have invested more effort into scaling speeds on the MIPS design. The Itanium's predicated instructions are cool, but the MIPS architecture has those too. Anything you can do to avoid branching is definitely a win. But if you can pre-fetch 4 32-bit instructions in one cycle and decode and detect branches in advance, that's going to give higher IPC than this VLIW implementation.
You don't know what EPIC is. It's not hyperthreading, and it makes CPU's LESS complex as there is no need for all the hardware needed to support OOE. Cell and Xenos are examples.
Think what you want, but the brightest mins in the CPU world are all looking this way.
Actually, having handwritten IA64 assembly code I'm acutely aware of what EPIC is and isn't. The point is that it's another lame attempt at increasing parallelism in one core. The problem is that it tries to give the illusion of indepent execution units, just as hyperthreading tries to give the illusion of multiple execution units, and neither implementation is sufficiently flexible. You would get more throughput from truly independent cores, letting the programmer (or some layer above the processor) explicitly allocate instructions to execution units.
"it's another lame attempt at increasing parallelism in one core" It sounds like you are confusing different types of parallelism here. You are referring to TLP (thread level), but EPIC attempts to address ILP (instruction level). Hyperthreading is focused on running multiple independent threads on a single core. Hyperthreading improves TLP, often, at the expense of ILP. EPIC is focused on executing non-dependent instructions within a single thread in parallel. This is more analagous to the work done by complex out-of-order scheduler. EPIC attempts to push this scheduling work onto the compiler.
"You would get more throughput from truly independent cores" Yes, you would, if you have lots of independent threads. Adding more independent cores improves TLP, but does nothing about ILP.
It may not be 20 years later, but OoOE is very much alive and Itanium is dead. We've been hearing for years now that ARM will kill off x86-64. I wonder where we will be in another 20 years.
Johan has written a good article on the Itanium and its advantages. However, just because something is good from an engineers point of view, does not mean that it will be a market success. There is the business side of the equation that is just as important, and I will be looking forward to future articles on this.
I live and play in the HPC world. Historically, this world has been small and based on (for lack of a better word), big-iron chips such as those found in the Cray C-90 (early 1990's technology) to the Cray X1E (today's tech). In the 1990's people clustered together "commodity" PCs (commonly called Beowulf Clusters) which culminated in 1997 Gordon Bell Prize at SC97 for a cluster of 16 Intel Pentium Pros (200 MHz). Today, these cluster-based supercomputers are everywhere (Cray sells a XT3 based on Opterons). The advantage of the cluster-based supercomputer is price/performance, or said another way: cost.
And that is where this ties back into the business case. Can Itanium compete based on cost? Now cost is more than just how much to produce the physical chip. There are systems adminstrator costs, cooling costs, user-needs-to-learn-to-program-it costs, etc. Cooling concerns are coming to the forefront now as supercomputers may need a dedicated power plant in the near future. Imagine, if you will, how much heat 10,000 Opterons can produce and much electricity it consumes (we only have 4096).
SGI was a big seller of supercomputers based on the MIPS chips (low power, low performance, but easy to use). They transitioned over to the Itanium chips and have had a successful run of supercomputers called the Altix. The problem is that anyone can buy a Opteron cluster supercomputer for much less cost than an Itanium supercomputer. While this is not the only reason for the decline of SGI and its recent delisting from the NYSE (inept management is the main reason) it is a contributing factor.
That leaves HP as the largest seller of Itaniums. Did I mention inept management two sentences back? Maybe I should mention it here again.
Itanium may be a great architecture, and it may survive and thrive. Right now however, it appears that there are dark days ahead.
There are still a variety of problems that the Altix design can handle more easily than any cluster-based approach. I'm not convinced that the Altix architecture is tied to Itanium, though. It'd be cool to see an Altix-like machine based on Opterons.
Me too, I can finally make some sense of what Itanium is all about. It may have potential in a technical sense but until it comes at an affordable price it doesn't stand a chance imho. It's not always the best tech that sells best, Intel knows ;-)
Nice Article. I personally don't see too much of a future for Itanium with the environment it's presently operating in coupled with Intel's missteps, but I feel that for all the heat Itanium: 'The Project' often takes, the architecture itself is unduly maligned.
Plus, I love to see articles analysing architectures other than the bread-and-butter x86 ones we're used to seeing. Some more on EPIC, Power... Sun/Fujitsu chips - maybe some NEC - let's spice things up!
There was one problem though with the article on the last page though:
"But the best x86 design - the AMD Opteron - does about 60% less work per clock cycle in integer, and about 115% less work per cycle in floating point than the Itanium."
How does something do 115% *less* work per cycle? Obviously not.
So the Opteron does just 62.5% integer work and 46.5% floating point work per clock cycle compared to Itanium.
I learned this mostly after introduction of VAT in economy
"it is clear, however, that the Itanium has time on its side and is most likely the architecture with the highest potential."
No, that is not true by any standards. I've tested Itanium systems from day one, including several compilers and development tools and I don't see any high potential with this platform. It's over-expensive, under-performing and quite frankly a big flop.
Don't keep this pace maker going any further, please let it die in peace. Some good ideas just dosen't work well in practice, and EPIC is just another like them.
Here's a scenario I like to imagine. After many years of research, marketing and general toil Intel claim that their new Itanium-5 chip will finally be the one to popularise the platform. The day before the launch, AMD announce their new x86-64+++ architecture, which extends x86 (again) to allow a scheduling/cache/decoding-hints metadata stream interleaved with the main instruction stream. The new design combines the code density and dynamic optimisation of x86 with all the static optimisation power and execution width of Itanium (but done better becasue AMD have learned from Intel's mistakes), is binary compatible with legacy applications at full speed, and has AMD's onboard memory and PCI express controllers. AMD own 90% of the high-end space by the end of the year and Itanium is finally killed off. ;)
Well, back in university I passed my classes on CPU design, and I know a couple of flaours of assembly language and have worked on compilers professionally, so yes I'd say I know what I'm talking about.
Hell, why am I being polite, /of course/ you can combine static and dynamic optimisation of instruction order. All x86 compilers /already/ do this. Virtual machine based programming languages (e.g. C# and Java) actually have /three/ tiers of optimisation; the primary compiler optimises the bytecode based on static global information, the runtime compiler optimises for the target instruction set based on medium-scale runtime information (at least Sun's Hotspot does), and then the CPU does instruction reordering and register remapping based on very local information. The efficiency of the final stage, e.g. the processor-level scheduling, can be improved by embedding hints in the instruction stream in exactly the same way that JIT compliation cane be improved by embedding hints in the bytecode of a VM language. Indeed arguably some RISC designs already do this to a limited extent, so implementing it for x86 isn't much of a stretch.
"The main philosophy behind Itanium is, of course, that a compiler can statically schedule instructions much better than a hardware scheduler" - Not always.
Of course, the compiler can do all this with the static information within the same translation unit (or in some cases, only within the same basic code block), but not based on runtime behavior. Global optimizations are a pain to implement on a compiler, and a lot of them are simply too complex to even think about, while the hardware scheduler can easily see, for example, where a function is called from, meaning it can figure out some dependencies that might be practically impossible to do in the compiler.
Dynamic and static scheduling can achieve different results based on the different data available to them (at compile-time vs runtime), but it's wrong to say that one is much better than the other. The trick is to use the best of both worlds. x86 compilers already lets the compiler do as much scheduling as possible, and then at runtime the hardware scheduler tweaks everything to fit the particular pipeline, and uses the runtime info available that the compiler didn't have.
Of course, the Itanium could do the same, but relying solely on the compiler is a mistake.
Another disadvantage with the Itanium is that everything becomes a lot more architecture-specific. For example, the same compiler can write decent code for either a P4 or an Athlon 64 (or even a 386).
But because so much of the responsibility for scheduling and instruction bundles is put on the compiler, it's the compiler that has to reflect each particular architecture. So far, there's only Itanium and Itanium 2. What when we get to Itanium 5? Or AMD Athlanium? ;)
Different compilers for each? Or should we accept that the same compiler just generates inefficient code on all other EPIC CPU's than the original target?
And how much headroom does the architecture have then?
(What if in the future we want wider instruction bundles? Or if they find out that reaing bigger amounts of smaller bundles is more efficient? Or if they want to remove some of the current restrictions on instruction order inside a bundle?
I just can't see how EPIC can ever become a viable long-term architecture. And honestly, I don't want to go back to the old days of "New CPU? Have to recompile everything. Binary compatibility? What's that?"
You bring up very valid points that I will definitely address in a follow up. Indeed statically scheduling is not always better than dynamically. Most of the time it is, as you can look ahead much more far ahead, but it is less flexible.
x86 compilers can never extract much ILP as they are limited by the ISA. With 20% branches and 8 registers, your options are very limited.
But your comment about binary compatibility is a mistake. The 128 bit bundle hasn't changed, so your binary compatibility is saved. It is true that the Itanium 2 can use bundles that the Itanium can't, but the same can be said about the P4 using SSE-2 instructions that the Pentium II can't use. You just provide two codepaths in the same code like we do now in apps where you can enable or disable SSE. Secondly, there are almost no Itanium I out there, so it is sufficient to make your code Itanium 2 compatible.
Wider bundles aren't going to happen. There is no reason to do so, as the groups of independent instructions can be as large as you want, you chain bundles together via the template. Montecito is perfectly compatible with Madison and mckinley
<mindless ramblings>
I think one of the key things to point out is that the current x86 has very little in common with the original ISA, and that the ISA has been adapting over time. The current internal cores are more like RISC then the original CISC design which will probably lead to some low level VLIW implementation mainly in the area of the FP units.
My predictions are that we are going to start seeing some low level implementations of VLIW most likely as a sub core options at first. As time progresses we will see those sub cores become more and more powerful and functional, and as time progresses more and more of the current x86 ISA will fall off to be replaced by an updated x86 ISA. </mindless ramblings>
Yes very little in common aside from almost complete binary compatability. You're confusing ISA (the binary format for operations) with microarch (the layout of transistors in a processor).
If Intel would drop the x86 compatability, L3 cache, and up the L1 and L2 chaches significantly and add an on die memory controller, this chip would be incredable. Then they could do something like transmetta did for backwards compatability until they can coax MS to write an os and compiler that runs natively on chip. At that point x86 would be dead.
If they up the L1 and L2, it would result in higher latencies. Right now, the L1-cache has a 1 cycle L1. So L1-accesses are as good as free, you don't want that to change for an in-order CPU.
The L3-cache is important as it lowers the accesses to the memory significantely. But I agree that x86 hardware support should be dropped, and only software emulation should be available. That opens up a few million transistors that can be used for a primitive OOO system or improved prefetching.
As a server chip there's really no reason to beg MS for anything. Linux and gcc can take it from here. Note that big Itanium servers from HP and SGI all run Linux anyway, MS is irrelevant in this space. But yes, they really ought to jettison the x86 baggage. In an open source world there's no need to do on-chip emulation to execute legacy binaries - just recompile the source and get a native binary instead.
Yes, very nice remark. Part of that 25% is thanks to the L2-I cache which is now better adapted to the bigger instructions without increasing latency. Most RISC have a bigger I cache than D-cache.
Do you have an URL handy? I have been searching all over the web to find that 25%.
Well, IMHO going for 1.7bilion transistors core on 90nm process was an idiocy from the beginning. Also the 24M L3 cache is clear waste. Had intel emplemented on-die memory controlled the montecino may have been online allready.
Actually it popular to say AMD marketing likes to shot its legs. However at least in the period 2002-2004 the one who shot its legs by R&D cannon was clearly Intel. No pun intended.
BTW nice article.
It's sad Intel has not gone the Alpha route in the 90's. That one was in McKinley league allready in 2000 and the software support (the biggest problem of IA64) was allready there.
Maybe AMD paid Intel for this ;-). Had intel gone Alpha back then, Opteron would be an niche market now.
No mistake, K8's design is clearly Alpha for masses.
"Had intel emplemented on-die memory controlled the montecino may have been online allready."
An on-die memory controller is not a silver bullet for all problems that a CPU faces. Even *with* an on-die memory controller, the latency of memory accesses are an order of magnitude slower than L2 cache access. Sure, it's less than not having it but when a cache miss stalls your entire pipeline, you don't want to wait even the 70+ns for an on-die memory controller. The solution is to reduce the number of cache misses which means larger caches, which is exactly what they are doing.
"No mistake, K8's design is clearly Alpha for masses."
I don't know how to read this at all. If you liked the Alpha, you should like the P4 as their design goals/parameters were the same... high clock speed at any cost and then add the expensive stuff like OOOE. The Athlon(64) designs do not follow this pattern. The Athlons follow the "brainiac" model more than the "speed-freak" model. (Alpha was the speed freak, PARISC was the brainiac, btw).
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ravedave - Thursday, November 10, 2005 - link
Who cares about TLP in the consumer space? Nothign can take advantage of it, HT showed that. I think whoever comes out with the best individual core next will do some sweet buisiness...eastvillager - Thursday, November 10, 2005 - link
That train is Opteron. All aboard!Itanium had a window where it could've shown, Intel missed it by a mile. Well, on the bright side, they killed HP's Unix Server business at the same time. I remember when HP announced they were stopping r&d on new PA-RISC processors and were switching to Itanium.
ElFenix - Thursday, November 10, 2005 - link
the story of how intel killed it for a processor that was about a a decade and a half, if not more, ahead of its time? and mostly because it wasn't invented at intel, but rather was bought as part of the dec compaq hp debacle (ooo, inept management again!). that was about the most promising processor on the planet for a while, but now its buried.Zebo - Thursday, November 10, 2005 - link
Wow Johan I don't even care about Itanium but your prose kept me all the way through. :) Excellent write up.WhoBeDaPlaya - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Interesting read, especially after having just talked with two engineers from the Itanium team (they were from the HP side) at Fort Collins. *Keeping fingers crossed for career prospects there* :DMatthias - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
"The Itanium is also wider than the competition, which results in bigger benefits from threading techniques."I don't buy that. Current Montecito's implementation of TLP only uses "Switch-on-Event Multithreading" which is a another name for Course Grain MT. At any specific time there is only one thread being executed per Montecito core. How can then a wider cpu benefit more than a more narrow cpu? You cannot use the unused execution units with instruction from another thread. So, where is the advantage of having more execution units available?
The multithreading approach in Montecito helps hiding latencies but not doing more in parallel. You can't execute two instructions from different threads at the same time! The P4 can do so, although its capabilities in parallel instruction execution is limited by its rather narrow design.
Of course, we are talking about one specific EPIC implementation. Nobody can't guarantee that with the next EPIC microarchitecture there will be an SMT in favor of a SoE-MT implementation. In this case the above statement would be correct, although I doubt that we will ever see an SMT implementation for Itanium. The static instruction issue used in Itanium does not fit very well with the rather dynamic issuing introduced with SMT.
IntelUser2000 - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
SoEMT hides memory latency, which is in a way taking advantage of increased ILP Itanium has since memory latency may limit the benefit.Also, it seems the performance among various apps vary as MUCH as opinions about the chip vary :). Some people really like it, while some hate it.
About the performance, I can't find the link. There was an IDF presentation on PC World(found by google) and showed relative Montecito performance. It was around 20% faster per clock in integer, but they were very ambiguous about it. Citing MT, higher frequency, more cache, and dual cores. But for all that, 20% is so little. There was another IDF presentation about Foxton Technology, and showed Montecito benchmarks on TPC-C, which from numbers was almost 25% faster at same clock, half the sockets(same number of cores) and same platform.
Intel and HP usually introduce better compilers at the same time, so I think its reasonable to expect 20-25% per clock. One other significant improvement on Montecito will be that it will have another shift unit, making the total two, along with others like more instructions and some little improvements here and there.
Montecito has x86 compatibility unit taken out, using the software based IA32-EL.
IntelUser2000 - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Itanium 2 Madison cache latency:32KB L1: 1 cycle
256KB L2: 6 cycles
9MB L3: 14 cycles
32KB L1: 1 cycle
1MB L2I, and 256KB L2D: 6 cycles(same as Madison)
24MB L3: 14 cycles(same as madison)
stephenbrooks - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
I like this bit.--[HP and Intel have stated that the Itanium 2 core, including the L2-cache, has about 40 million transistors. If we subtract the L2 cache, we end up with about 26 transistors,]--
fic - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
http://www.pasemi.com/">http://www.pasemi.com/These are PowerPC chips, but not from IBM. From the website: "dual-core device, operates at 2GHz with typical power dissipation in the range of 5 to 13 watts". According to articles SPECint is >1000 per core and SPECfp >2000 per core.
fitten - Thursday, November 10, 2005 - link
I'm guessing they'll write an article on it when it actually exists... it's at least two years out still before they expect to have *real* silicon for it and a lot can change between now and then.fic - Thursday, November 10, 2005 - link
Hmmm, their press release says Q3 '06. I know that dates can and do slip, but I doubt they will slip a year.Besides, most of the Itanic stuff that was talked about in the article isn't shipping and probably never will. How late is the "next" version - 2+ years? - with no real expected ship date in the forseeable future. It would be nice to see an article about the architecture of the chips, decisions made and trade offs for the power efficiency that they are driving toward. Also, this was started a few years ago, what lead them down the power efficiency path before some of the major companies (notably intel) even realized it was an issue.
fitten - Friday, November 11, 2005 - link
From the press release:"It will sample in the third calendar quarter of 2006, with single-core and quad-core versions due in early and late 2007, respectively, and an eight-core version planned for 2008."
Sampling doesn't mean general avialability... not even close. The closest thing they have to availability is "early and late 2007" for availability of single- and quad-core versions.
xelpmoc - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
"TLP, caches and power consumption" is more than three words!Interesting article, though.
Questar - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Excelent article.I've been telling people for years the Itanium architecture is the future (not the chip). In 20 years there will be no OOE chips on the market, everything will be similar to EPIC. AMD will be there too.
highlandsun - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
I don't see any need for EPIC or VLIW. The Itanium is basically using a 41 bit instruction word. The allocation of bits is only slightly different from the allocation used in a 32 bit RISC instruction. Indeed, point a 128-bit memory channel at a stream of 32 bit instructions and you'll get higher instruction dispatch rates and greater code density. EPIC is philosophically the same as hyperthreading - running multiple instruction streams in parallel in a single CPU core. But that just makes CPU designs unnecessarily complex. With the trend to multi-core CPUs, you get parallelism by using separate cores. Let each core crunch on a single instruction stream at a time, and all of that extra baggage is unnecessary. What is the point of having 11 execution units in a single core if you can only feed it 3 instructions per cycle? An efficient design would keep the number of execution units matched to the number of instructions available, any more is just wasted.Personally I would have invested more effort into scaling speeds on the MIPS design. The Itanium's predicated instructions are cool, but the MIPS architecture has those too. Anything you can do to avoid branching is definitely a win. But if you can pre-fetch 4 32-bit instructions in one cycle and decode and detect branches in advance, that's going to give higher IPC than this VLIW implementation.
Questar - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
You don't know what EPIC is. It's not hyperthreading, and it makes CPU's LESS complex as there is no need for all the hardware needed to support OOE. Cell and Xenos are examples.Think what you want, but the brightest mins in the CPU world are all looking this way.
highlandsun - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Actually, having handwritten IA64 assembly code I'm acutely aware of what EPIC is and isn't. The point is that it's another lame attempt at increasing parallelism in one core. The problem is that it tries to give the illusion of indepent execution units, just as hyperthreading tries to give the illusion of multiple execution units, and neither implementation is sufficiently flexible. You would get more throughput from truly independent cores, letting the programmer (or some layer above the processor) explicitly allocate instructions to execution units.roymbrown - Thursday, November 10, 2005 - link
"it's another lame attempt at increasing parallelism in one core"It sounds like you are confusing different types of parallelism here. You are referring to TLP (thread level), but EPIC attempts to address ILP (instruction level). Hyperthreading is focused on running multiple independent threads on a single core. Hyperthreading improves TLP, often, at the expense of ILP. EPIC is focused on executing non-dependent instructions within a single thread in parallel. This is more analagous to the work done by complex out-of-order scheduler. EPIC attempts to push this scheduling work onto the compiler.
"You would get more throughput from truly independent cores"
Yes, you would, if you have lots of independent threads. Adding more independent cores improves TLP, but does nothing about ILP.
Thunder 57 - Monday, May 6, 2019 - link
It may not be 20 years later, but OoOE is very much alive and Itanium is dead. We've been hearing for years now that ARM will kill off x86-64. I wonder where we will be in another 20 years.lifeguard1999 - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Johan has written a good article on the Itanium and its advantages. However, just because something is good from an engineers point of view, does not mean that it will be a market success. There is the business side of the equation that is just as important, and I will be looking forward to future articles on this.I live and play in the HPC world. Historically, this world has been small and based on (for lack of a better word), big-iron chips such as those found in the Cray C-90 (early 1990's technology) to the Cray X1E (today's tech). In the 1990's people clustered together "commodity" PCs (commonly called Beowulf Clusters) which culminated in 1997 Gordon Bell Prize at SC97 for a cluster of 16 Intel Pentium Pros (200 MHz). Today, these cluster-based supercomputers are everywhere (Cray sells a XT3 based on Opterons). The advantage of the cluster-based supercomputer is price/performance, or said another way: cost.
And that is where this ties back into the business case. Can Itanium compete based on cost? Now cost is more than just how much to produce the physical chip. There are systems adminstrator costs, cooling costs, user-needs-to-learn-to-program-it costs, etc. Cooling concerns are coming to the forefront now as supercomputers may need a dedicated power plant in the near future. Imagine, if you will, how much heat 10,000 Opterons can produce and much electricity it consumes (we only have 4096).
SGI was a big seller of supercomputers based on the MIPS chips (low power, low performance, but easy to use). They transitioned over to the Itanium chips and have had a successful run of supercomputers called the Altix. The problem is that anyone can buy a Opteron cluster supercomputer for much less cost than an Itanium supercomputer. While this is not the only reason for the decline of SGI and its recent delisting from the NYSE (inept management is the main reason) it is a contributing factor.
That leaves HP as the largest seller of Itaniums. Did I mention inept management two sentences back? Maybe I should mention it here again.
Itanium may be a great architecture, and it may survive and thrive. Right now however, it appears that there are dark days ahead.
highlandsun - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
There are still a variety of problems that the Altix design can handle more easily than any cluster-based approach. I'm not convinced that the Altix architecture is tied to Itanium, though. It'd be cool to see an Altix-like machine based on Opterons.ksherman - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
seems like a really good article! Too bad most of it goes over my head :(ceefka - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Me too, I can finally make some sense of what Itanium is all about. It may have potential in a technical sense but until it comes at an affordable price it doesn't stand a chance imho. It's not always the best tech that sells best, Intel knows ;-)xbdestroya - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Nice Article. I personally don't see too much of a future for Itanium with the environment it's presently operating in coupled with Intel's missteps, but I feel that for all the heat Itanium: 'The Project' often takes, the architecture itself is unduly maligned.Plus, I love to see articles analysing architectures other than the bread-and-butter x86 ones we're used to seeing. Some more on EPIC, Power... Sun/Fujitsu chips - maybe some NEC - let's spice things up!
There was one problem though with the article on the last page though:
"But the best x86 design - the AMD Opteron - does about 60% less work per clock cycle in integer, and about 115% less work per cycle in floating point than the Itanium."
How does something do 115% *less* work per cycle? Obviously not.
JohanAnandtech - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Mathematiques was never my best course. :-) Indeed the Itanium does 60% more integer work and 115% more FP.Calin - Thursday, November 10, 2005 - link
So the Opteron does just 62.5% integer work and 46.5% floating point work per clock cycle compared to Itanium.I learned this mostly after introduction of VAT in economy
snorre - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
You write:"it is clear, however, that the Itanium has time on its side and is most likely the architecture with the highest potential."
No, that is not true by any standards. I've tested Itanium systems from day one, including several compilers and development tools and I don't see any high potential with this platform. It's over-expensive, under-performing and quite frankly a big flop.
Don't keep this pace maker going any further, please let it die in peace. Some good ideas just dosen't work well in practice, and EPIC is just another like them.
Starglider - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Here's a scenario I like to imagine. After many years of research, marketing and general toil Intel claim that their new Itanium-5 chip will finally be the one to popularise the platform. The day before the launch, AMD announce their new x86-64+++ architecture, which extends x86 (again) to allow a scheduling/cache/decoding-hints metadata stream interleaved with the main instruction stream. The new design combines the code density and dynamic optimisation of x86 with all the static optimisation power and execution width of Itanium (but done better becasue AMD have learned from Intel's mistakes), is binary compatible with legacy applications at full speed, and has AMD's onboard memory and PCI express controllers. AMD own 90% of the high-end space by the end of the year and Itanium is finally killed off. ;)dexvx - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
You have no idea what you're talking about do you?I'd like to see a scheduler that is both dynamic and static at the same time.
Starglider - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Well, back in university I passed my classes on CPU design, and I know a couple of flaours of assembly language and have worked on compilers professionally, so yes I'd say I know what I'm talking about.Hell, why am I being polite, /of course/ you can combine static and dynamic optimisation of instruction order. All x86 compilers /already/ do this. Virtual machine based programming languages (e.g. C# and Java) actually have /three/ tiers of optimisation; the primary compiler optimises the bytecode based on static global information, the runtime compiler optimises for the target instruction set based on medium-scale runtime information (at least Sun's Hotspot does), and then the CPU does instruction reordering and register remapping based on very local information. The efficiency of the final stage, e.g. the processor-level scheduling, can be improved by embedding hints in the instruction stream in exactly the same way that JIT compliation cane be improved by embedding hints in the bytecode of a VM language. Indeed arguably some RISC designs already do this to a limited extent, so implementing it for x86 isn't much of a stretch.
Spoonbender - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
"The main philosophy behind Itanium is, of course, that a compiler can statically schedule instructions much better than a hardware scheduler" - Not always.Of course, the compiler can do all this with the static information within the same translation unit (or in some cases, only within the same basic code block), but not based on runtime behavior. Global optimizations are a pain to implement on a compiler, and a lot of them are simply too complex to even think about, while the hardware scheduler can easily see, for example, where a function is called from, meaning it can figure out some dependencies that might be practically impossible to do in the compiler.
Dynamic and static scheduling can achieve different results based on the different data available to them (at compile-time vs runtime), but it's wrong to say that one is much better than the other. The trick is to use the best of both worlds. x86 compilers already lets the compiler do as much scheduling as possible, and then at runtime the hardware scheduler tweaks everything to fit the particular pipeline, and uses the runtime info available that the compiler didn't have.
Of course, the Itanium could do the same, but relying solely on the compiler is a mistake.
Another disadvantage with the Itanium is that everything becomes a lot more architecture-specific. For example, the same compiler can write decent code for either a P4 or an Athlon 64 (or even a 386).
But because so much of the responsibility for scheduling and instruction bundles is put on the compiler, it's the compiler that has to reflect each particular architecture. So far, there's only Itanium and Itanium 2. What when we get to Itanium 5? Or AMD Athlanium? ;)
Different compilers for each? Or should we accept that the same compiler just generates inefficient code on all other EPIC CPU's than the original target?
And how much headroom does the architecture have then?
(What if in the future we want wider instruction bundles? Or if they find out that reaing bigger amounts of smaller bundles is more efficient? Or if they want to remove some of the current restrictions on instruction order inside a bundle?
I just can't see how EPIC can ever become a viable long-term architecture. And honestly, I don't want to go back to the old days of "New CPU? Have to recompile everything. Binary compatibility? What's that?"
JohanAnandtech - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
You bring up very valid points that I will definitely address in a follow up. Indeed statically scheduling is not always better than dynamically. Most of the time it is, as you can look ahead much more far ahead, but it is less flexible.x86 compilers can never extract much ILP as they are limited by the ISA. With 20% branches and 8 registers, your options are very limited.
But your comment about binary compatibility is a mistake. The 128 bit bundle hasn't changed, so your binary compatibility is saved. It is true that the Itanium 2 can use bundles that the Itanium can't, but the same can be said about the P4 using SSE-2 instructions that the Pentium II can't use. You just provide two codepaths in the same code like we do now in apps where you can enable or disable SSE. Secondly, there are almost no Itanium I out there, so it is sufficient to make your code Itanium 2 compatible.
Wider bundles aren't going to happen. There is no reason to do so, as the groups of independent instructions can be as large as you want, you chain bundles together via the template. Montecito is perfectly compatible with Madison and mckinley
mkruer - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
<mindless ramblings>I think one of the key things to point out is that the current x86 has very little in common with the original ISA, and that the ISA has been adapting over time. The current internal cores are more like RISC then the original CISC design which will probably lead to some low level VLIW implementation mainly in the area of the FP units.
My predictions are that we are going to start seeing some low level implementations of VLIW most likely as a sub core options at first. As time progresses we will see those sub cores become more and more powerful and functional, and as time progresses more and more of the current x86 ISA will fall off to be replaced by an updated x86 ISA. </mindless ramblings>
saratoga - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Yes very little in common aside from almost complete binary compatability. You're confusing ISA (the binary format for operations) with microarch (the layout of transistors in a processor).Also, "low level VLIW", WTF?
Brian23 - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
If Intel would drop the x86 compatability, L3 cache, and up the L1 and L2 chaches significantly and add an on die memory controller, this chip would be incredable. Then they could do something like transmetta did for backwards compatability until they can coax MS to write an os and compiler that runs natively on chip. At that point x86 would be dead.JohanAnandtech - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
If they up the L1 and L2, it would result in higher latencies. Right now, the L1-cache has a 1 cycle L1. So L1-accesses are as good as free, you don't want that to change for an in-order CPU.The L3-cache is important as it lowers the accesses to the memory significantely. But I agree that x86 hardware support should be dropped, and only software emulation should be available. That opens up a few million transistors that can be used for a primitive OOO system or improved prefetching.
highlandsun - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
As a server chip there's really no reason to beg MS for anything. Linux and gcc can take it from here. Note that big Itanium servers from HP and SGI all run Linux anyway, MS is irrelevant in this space. But yes, they really ought to jettison the x86 baggage. In an open source world there's no need to do on-chip emulation to execute legacy binaries - just recompile the source and get a native binary instead.PeteRoy - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
YEahIntelUser2000 - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Johan, Do you know that the 30% performance advantage is SoEMT only on Montecito??? Not comparing against Madison??Whether by major compiler improvements or core improvements, Montecito should be 25% faster per clock, per core over Madison.
Its sad that Intel had problems with Montecito. At 2GHz it would have been amazing.
JohanAnandtech - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Yes, very nice remark. Part of that 25% is thanks to the L2-I cache which is now better adapted to the bigger instructions without increasing latency. Most RISC have a bigger I cache than D-cache.Do you have an URL handy? I have been searching all over the web to find that 25%.
mino - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
Well, IMHO going for 1.7bilion transistors core on 90nm process was an idiocy from the beginning. Also the 24M L3 cache is clear waste. Had intel emplemented on-die memory controlled the montecino may have been online allready.Actually it popular to say AMD marketing likes to shot its legs. However at least in the period 2002-2004 the one who shot its legs by R&D cannon was clearly Intel. No pun intended.
BTW nice article.
It's sad Intel has not gone the Alpha route in the 90's. That one was in McKinley league allready in 2000 and the software support (the biggest problem of IA64) was allready there.
Maybe AMD paid Intel for this ;-). Had intel gone Alpha back then, Opteron would be an niche market now.
No mistake, K8's design is clearly Alpha for masses.
fitten - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - link
"Had intel emplemented on-die memory controlled the montecino may have been online allready."An on-die memory controller is not a silver bullet for all problems that a CPU faces. Even *with* an on-die memory controller, the latency of memory accesses are an order of magnitude slower than L2 cache access. Sure, it's less than not having it but when a cache miss stalls your entire pipeline, you don't want to wait even the 70+ns for an on-die memory controller. The solution is to reduce the number of cache misses which means larger caches, which is exactly what they are doing.
"No mistake, K8's design is clearly Alpha for masses."
I don't know how to read this at all. If you liked the Alpha, you should like the P4 as their design goals/parameters were the same... high clock speed at any cost and then add the expensive stuff like OOOE. The Athlon(64) designs do not follow this pattern. The Athlons follow the "brainiac" model more than the "speed-freak" model. (Alpha was the speed freak, PARISC was the brainiac, btw).